Monday, March 7, 2011

Deadlift/ Marine PFT retest

Friday 3/4/11

Deadlift 5-5-5

275, 295, 305(4)

working my way back up to where I was pre-knee injury. Its going to take a little time and a lot of patience.

Saturday 3/5/11

Snatch Balance

worked up to 175, missed 185 a couple times

2x Tabata
ring dips
53lb KB swings

Monday 3/7/11

Marine PFT 2nd run (last on 2/21/11)

Deadhang pullups (19/20) = 95
Situps (72/100) = 72
3 mile run (19:38/18:00) = 90

Score - 257 (last score - 248)

Pullups were the same as last time, felt good though, faster and didn't need to switch grip. Was a little worried about these because my upper back is pretty tender from the deads. Situps, a thorn in my side, I have worked in some sets after my workouts and changed my standard to be more marine like during wods, but I think 2 weeks just isn't enough time to see appreciable change, I will work some weighted ones in this week. 3 mile run, saw a minute drop from this. My knee was alot more comfortable today so I could open up a little, getting to 18 minutes is going to be painful.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Death by 10m + Burpee


500m row
400m run
Hip Mobility


3x 800m 2 min rest btw

3:04, 3:00, 3:03

then Every Minute on the Minute
perform one 10m run and modified burpee (no jump + clap)escalating per minute
perform one run + burpee 1st rnd, 2 runs + burpees 2nd round....

Result 13 rounds + 9


20 Min Volume Work

HSPU x 3 per min

Hollow rocks x 60

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



500m row
Hip mobility
OHS @ bar x 10
@ 95 x 5
@ 135 x 5
@ 155 x 3
@ 155 x 3
@ 175 x 3 (miss on 3rd)

Clean and Jerk Practice



5 rounds for time

400m run
OHS @ 95lb x 15

Time 13:17pr

Tabata Situps (Marine standards)
lowest round - 9 (highest - 21)

Went unbroken, our 400m run course is a little long and lots of directional changes so it lends itself to somewhat longer times. That being said my legs felt like mush during the run on the 4th and 5th rounds. The knee is improving in strength through a fuller range of motion.