Thursday, March 18, 2010

Sectionals and rest week

Sectionals were this past weekend, had a great time. Mk won the womens division and we had Cat and Tanner in the top 10 as well. Great performances from RH and Colin too. I am happy with my performance as well especially after factoring in my hamstring was not 100%. I placed 59/140 with my personal highlights being hitting PRs on my clean and jerk (195, 205) and winning the first heat of the last wod.

I am taking five days off completely. Took a bikram yoga class yesterday, and my hip flexors are feeling it. Drank some beer ate some crappy food, ready to get back to business though.

My training is going to shift from focusing on crossfit competition to Rugby 7s. This gear change will include more sprints, sandbags, and a more focused effort on olympic lifts. I am going to keep my metcons down to 2 a week to allow for more recovery from sprint sessions and the other work ill be doing. I plan on being in the box 4 to 5 days a week still.

The past few months I feel like I have kept myself in a state of perpetual exhaustion and I am going to attempt to include more rest in an effort to stay fresh and deliver more quality work in contrast to a higher volume work load.

1 comment:

  1. Good plan for sevens I cant wait to see some games. You did great at the sectional. I love having you around. :)
