Wednesday, August 18, 2010



Samson Stretch
30 DUs
run 1 lap (200m)
Shoulder ROM work
KTE x 5
Overhead walk with bar 20yds

Then "Paul"

50 DUs
35 KTE
20yd Overhead walk @ 185 scaled to 155lb

Time 26:06

Kinda pissed i couldn't RX this. I went ground to overhead with 185 in warmup but struggled to get it overhead in my first round, so i grabbed the heaviest barbell around which was 155 and kept going. This wod has alot of KTE, im not in math school so i wont bore you with the numbers but its alot (175). Didn't really open up full throttle on this, can't say why specifically; but wasn't feeling the intensity you need to turn a really good workout. One positive point was my KTE were powerful, no deadfish style where you wait to swing like a pendulum to finish, no i was powering them out and taking rest. A better way to approach training that movement, I feel.

Diet- spotty but ok. Breakfast 3 eggs, 3 egg whites, blueberries, almonds, spinach. Lunch - craptastic roast beef wrap, little to no meat with a peice of lettuce and tomato in a flour tortilla (came along with potato chips and a cookie that i dumped into the trash). also 2 cups of coffee spread throughout the day. Afternoon - curry chicken breast, turkey meatballs, a couple peices of tofu, and stir fried broc, peppers, and carrots ala green leaf market (dropped off my job app and grubbed down). Post wod - 3 eggs, 3 egg whites, blueberries, spinach. Dinner - Turkey meatloaf and two thai chili seasoned chicken wings ala green leaf; plus some cauliflower and almonds. Tomorrow will probably be similar but i will cook instead of eat greenleaf foods; but lunch, yeah im dreading that.

1 comment:

  1. Not every wod should be run wide-open. The fact that you found power and efficiency on a movement like k2e makes it a successful session--let alone the sheer volume.
