Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Row with Kelly


20x pose wall drill
300m row
Samson stretch
10x Back ext
10x Deadlift w/ bar
10x front squat
4x rope climb
10x wallball
10x box jump

Kelly mixed up with a row

5 rounds

400m row
30 wallball
30 box jumps

Time 28:01

Diet- 3 eggs, 3 egg whites, spinach, strawberries, almonds. pork shoulder, cauliflower, almonds. postwod - 3 eggs, 3 eggwhites, raspberries, banana, spinach. chicken breast, chicken sausage, cauliflower, baby swt potato, some almonds.


  1. it was out of necessity, my right ankle and foot have some soft tissue issues. which the box jumps didnt help. starting to feel better tho, definately staying away from running and jumping the rest of the week.
