Saturday, February 13, 2010

row and double unders


Burgener olympic lift warmup review

10m High kicks
10m butt kicks
10m high knees
6x shuttle run 10m

1000m Row
75 double unders
500m row
50 double unders
250m row
25 double unders

Time: 13:10

Not particularly impressed with my effort and execution today. i feel it really takes some mental resolve to fight through double unders furiously, i retired to rest instead. my time was better than most but what does that matter. I feel my body recovering though which is a good sign. hit some fluid butterfly pullups and a muscle up. two days off are planned before hitting the next 3 weeks hard.

Diet: paleo throughout the day. major cheating at night. 3 guiness and corn tortillas chips with an assortment of dips. I could have done worse though.

rest: 6 hours, hunting for a nap later today. soreness is dissipating but right shoulder has some issues right now. some hard rolling and myofacial release later today, god bless my lacrosse ball.

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