Friday, April 30, 2010

Strength: Snatch 2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2 (115,125,135,140miss,115,125,130,135)


Amrap 15 min

max clapping pushups
1/2 gasser

results: 12 rounds 130 pushups

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Work 7am-830pm aka a long fucking time.


Strength: back squat 225,245,265,275,285,295pr



21-15-9 bw bench + pull ups (bw 168, went 155)

Time 9:55

takes you to a weird place training so late. my mind was willing so i kept trying to keep intentions set, figuring my body would follow. for the most part it did. there was a rack jerk series that i skipped, the mental acuity required was just not there. squat felt good overall, had to settle for bring them just to parallel, stiffness not allowing desired range of motion. The metcon was challenging, im not a good bencher and with the box being empty it really set the tone, either do it or eat a face full or bar. they went up at least as well as i could have expected, sets of 3 after the initial flurry. was planning on doing the pullups deadhang but at this hour, in this condition, kipping felt like a great idea.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Strength: Press 3x8 @ 85lbs

Weighted Pullups 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 (50,55,60,65,70,75,80 fail; couldnt pull felt strong but couldnt finish over the bar)

Wod: E cal

10 Intervals of 1 min on the rower with 1 min rest. Goal 3000m

Result 3012m

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

squats and sunburn

540 am wakeup

630 in box.

Strength Overhead squat 5x1 @ 165lb (pr)

Then 3 rounds for time/reps

Max reps @ 155lb front squat
20m bear crawl

Time 4:08

reps 21-9-8

Then push the handliner through 2.5 tons of yellow thermoplastic, for completion...

punch out 6:30pm.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Warmup 5 min bike


Squat 5x5 @ 245
Bench press 5x1 @ 215 (failed last rep)


3 rounds

8 Muscle Snatch @ 115lb
10 Rings dips
12 Toes to Bar

Time 6:36

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

job training

Tuesday at the pool

12x 50m with 45 secs rest btw. kept times around 40-45 secs


6x 100m with 1 min rest btw. last lap was 1:30.
Strength: Snatch 8x2 worked up to 135 for the last two, no misses.

Metcon: 8 rounds for time

10 sledge strikes RT
10 sledge strikes LT
5 weighted pullups @ 35lbs

Time 15:07

Diet: the usual.

Monday, April 19, 2010


Squat 5x1 245, 255, 265, 275, 285pr, 300f

Press 5x5 95,100,105,110(4),105(4)

Amrap 15 min

5x right arm DB thruster @50
5x left arm DB thruster @50
7x pushups
9x 24"box jumps

11 rounds and 7 pushups

Diet: breakfast: 4 eggs, olives, greek yogurt w/blueberries n almonds. post yoga whey protein shake, milk. 2 turkey stuffed bell peppers. post wod whey and sweet potato and another stuffed pepper. dinner - chicken and greens

Saturday, April 17, 2010


5 min bike ride

2x 20m sprints (20 secs rest)

4x 30m sprints (30 secs rest)

10x 10m Flying starts (30 secs rest)

no clock, it was more like 10x 20m sprints


3x 12 Glute ham raises (modified: knees on mat, sandbags holding ankles. lowered myself as under as much control as possible then used a slight push on the bottom to engage the raise, really felt it in the calves)

3x 20 toes to bar (modified: my toes to bar suck. I went 10 toes to bar on the minute every minute for 5min, so i got 60 that way. it was about 30 secs work 30 secs rest

Diet: For the record thursday night i had 4 guiness. Last night i had about 4 again and some sort of chicken skillet thing at dennys, stomach is very acidic and didnt eat anything today till about 2. post wod I am having grilled chicken breast and half a head of cauliflower.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Strength: Power Cleans

3,3,3,3,3,3 (145,165,170,175,180(2),180(3))

5 rounds 2 min rest btw @ 115lbs (64% of 180)

3x High pulls
3x Power Clean
3x Push press
3x Push Jerk
3x Goodmornings

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Front Squat 3,3,3,1,1,1 (175,185,195,205,225f,215f)

Bench Press 10x3 @ 60%1rm (focus on speed) 45 secs rest btw @ 135lb

5 rounds

10 ring dips
10 pullups
1/2 Gasser

Time 8:24

Front squat went up easily at 205, but couldn't get out of the hole at anything higher. Felt the Bench press form dial in a little as the sets went on, control and speed improved. Metcon was rough, really trying to sprint the gassers, still need to focus on swinging the elbows and opening up my sprint.

Diet: Breakfast 4 eggs, greek yogurt w/ almonds cranberries sunflower seeds, cauliflower. 16oz of coffee. Lunch 5oz tuna pack and 3 oz of almonds. Afternoon chicken and bell pepper, and a baby sweet potato. 12 oz coffee. Post wod whey and cranberries. Dinner 1lb of chicken breast, collard greens, almonds.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Deads and Amrap

Deadlift 5 rep max -

275,315,335(dropped on 3rd)

No big suprises here. 315 went up well. had 335 but felt my back rounding big time and couldnt get my hips down for 2 reps in a row so i dropped it. feel i backed off in a good place, any more and i could have reignited a touchy back.

AMRAP 15 min

10 supine ring pullups
10 pushups
20 20# slamballs (subbed for rx CFFB: 10- 40# slams)

9 rounds

Those supine ring pullups are pretty difficult, and a good strength movement. glad I had some time put into them today. the pushups were very easy. 20 slamballs in a row was taxing but doable.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Please Hammer, Don't Hurt em

2nd wod of the day

Hammer Gone Bad

3 rounds

1min max Sledgehammer swings (right) #16
1min max tire jumps 20"
1min max sledgehammer swings (left)
1min max hang cleans 35# dbs

Score: 347



Squat 5x5 @ 225lbs

Press 5x1 (95,105,115f,110,105)


10 rounds @ 2pd

1 db power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 front squat
1 push press
then switch hands

each drop counts as 1 burpee penatly

Time: 8:30 penalties - 7

Friday, April 9, 2010




Power cleans 3,3,3,3,3, (155, 165, 175, 185(miss on 3rd), 175(miss on 3rd)
Towel Pulls 3x max reps (9, 7, 8)


50m Suicides Runs x 3 ( 2 min rest)

:59, 1:02, 1:05

Diet: breakfast: 4 eggs, greek yogurt w/ almonds cranberries, steamed greens, olives. Lunch - chicken breast w/ cauliflower and almonds. Afternoon - 2 baked chicken thighs with a baby sweet potato. Post wod - whey and banana. Dinner- 2 baked chicken thighs, steamed greens, 1/2 avocado.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

its not the distance, its how fast youre moving when you get there.

Wod by CFFB


Front Squat 5rm: 185
Bench Press 5rm: 185
Rings dips: 3 x 12 (12;12;6,2,2,2)


2x 20m sprints (3.42;3.64)
30 sec rest
4x 30m sprints (4.74; 4.87; 4.80; 4.71)
30 secs rest

10x 10m flying starts

1.31; 1.31; 1.46; 1.28; 1.31; 1.37; 1.31; 1.18; 1.09; 1.22

Back very tight during the lifts, feel I could have set the bar a little higher on a fresher day. I felt my form start to open up on the sprints, this was good practice for me.

diet: paleo + limited dairy.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

4lbs of sweat and all i got were these 2 bloody hands...

Wod by CFFB

Strength: Snatch 8x2

(125,125,135 miss on 2nd,135 miss on 2nd, 125,125,130,130)

AMRAP 15 min

275lb deadlift x 5 (original rx = 315)
Toes to Bar x 10

Result: 8 rounds + 5 deads

Wow, toes to bar sucked. deads felt ok, form felt good for doing a higher volume of work than usual at that weight. my TTB were retarded slow. at least i had plenty of time to work on them.

Diet: breakfast - 4 eggs, olives, steamed collard greens, greek yogurt w/cranberries and almonds. cup of coffee. Lunch- 2 pc baked chicken, cauliflower, almonds. post wod- whey protein, pear. Dinner- tuna, sweet potato.

Monday, April 5, 2010

me vs. the 2 pd

Workout by CFFB

Strength: 3x10 @ 70% 5rm (185lbs)

Press 5 rm: 105

10 rounds @ 2pd KB

1x Clean
1x front squat
1x push press
1x front squat
1x push press
switch hands and repeat

every drop = 1 burpee penalty

Time: 9:31 with 15 penalties

2 pd was rough but I actually felt better towards the middle and end of this one, I felt my movement become smoother and the weight transfer better. This took longer than I expected but I'm still glad I went 2pd instead of 1.5.

Diet: Breakfast- 4 eggs, 1/3 of an avocado, greek yogurt with almonds and cranberries. Lunch top sirloin with cauliflower, pineapple and almonds. Afternoon- 2 pc baked chicken with asparagus. Post wod whey and banana and whole milk. Dinner- chicken sausage and collard greens.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not my best work...

Yesterdays Wod


3 rounds

15x db thrusters @ 50lbs
500m row

Time 12:42

1st set of thrusters unbroken, the rest very broken. split times were 1:40,1:44,1:47.

Diet: solid except had 5 beers and a burger king steakhouse burger last night. yea i went there.

Friday, April 2, 2010

casual friday



Power Clean and Jerk 2,2,2,2,2: 155,165,175,185,195(fail)
Deadlift 1,1,1,1,1: 295,315,335,355,375(pr)
Supine Ring Rows: 3x12


4 rounds of 40m suicides (1 min rest between)

40.23, 40.38, 42.52, 43.98

Diet: Breakfast - 4 eggs, half an avocado, greek yogurt w/almonds raisins, steamed asparagus. Lunch 2 pc baked chicken, asparagus, almonds. pre wod apple & coffee. post wod whey and strawberries then tuna pouch and cranberries then whole milk.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

doin work


Strength: benchpress 5x5 @ 175lbs

Wod: 8 rounds for time

3x front squat@ 185
8 x ring dips

Time: 10:50

Squats unbroken, ring dips were a little rough after benching but not too much weaker than usual. Felt good.

Diet: Breakfast- 4 eggs, half an avocado, steamed greens, greek yogurt with raisins and almonds. post wod - whey and pineapple. Lunch - 2 pc baked chicken, asparagus, organic whole milk.