Saturday, April 17, 2010


5 min bike ride

2x 20m sprints (20 secs rest)

4x 30m sprints (30 secs rest)

10x 10m Flying starts (30 secs rest)

no clock, it was more like 10x 20m sprints


3x 12 Glute ham raises (modified: knees on mat, sandbags holding ankles. lowered myself as under as much control as possible then used a slight push on the bottom to engage the raise, really felt it in the calves)

3x 20 toes to bar (modified: my toes to bar suck. I went 10 toes to bar on the minute every minute for 5min, so i got 60 that way. it was about 30 secs work 30 secs rest

Diet: For the record thursday night i had 4 guiness. Last night i had about 4 again and some sort of chicken skillet thing at dennys, stomach is very acidic and didnt eat anything today till about 2. post wod I am having grilled chicken breast and half a head of cauliflower.


  1. then there was more beer that night, and grilled chicken wings in several kick-ass sauces. good weekend

  2. that is exactly how it went down.
