Took both Saturday and Sunday off training. Went and helped the Daytona U-19 team prepare for their win over Brevard and later visited the Rolex 24hr race. Sunday I worked from 7am-430pm striping the Pavilion shopping center. Lots of walking and light manual labor.
Diet: Standard paleo fare except Saturday night I had 2 beers, 16 chic-filá nuggets and a milkshake. Also worth noting, I made Southwest antelope mini burger patties that were pretty sick. i had 2/3 lb of antelope mixed with 1/3 container of hot rotel, 1/3 of an onion, some cilantro, and garlic; mixed in an egg and lightly coated with coconut flour then fried them up, ate them with brussell sprouts. For 2lb portion: 1 can of rotel, one onion (minced), cilantro (to taste?), 1 TB garlic.
Also went out and bought my own foam roller, im addicted.
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Work and Rest
Work 11:00 am to 6:00pm, Striping a Publix parking lot in OBC
Diet: 3 eggs, 1/2 avocado, 1 chickn drumstick, 1/2 sweet potato, steamed kale greens
Lunch: 6oz* Top sirloin steak, 1/2 sweet potato, steamed greens
Dinner: 6oz* sirloin steak, 1 chkn drum, broccoli
Dinner2: 8oz venison steak, saurkraut, broccoli stir fried with coconut,chili, and sesame oils. then pomegranate arils and 1/2 sweet potato.
Easing off the throttle, keeping the diet variable stable while letting the body recover.
Diet: 3 eggs, 1/2 avocado, 1 chickn drumstick, 1/2 sweet potato, steamed kale greens
Lunch: 6oz* Top sirloin steak, 1/2 sweet potato, steamed greens
Dinner: 6oz* sirloin steak, 1 chkn drum, broccoli
Dinner2: 8oz venison steak, saurkraut, broccoli stir fried with coconut,chili, and sesame oils. then pomegranate arils and 1/2 sweet potato.
Easing off the throttle, keeping the diet variable stable while letting the body recover.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Work and rugby
Work: 915am to 4pm
Back rehab and adjustment @ Palmer College
Rugby Practice 2hrs
(mostly ball handling and touch)
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1/2 avocado,1/2 sweet potato, steamed greens, handful of cherries, piece of fish
Lunch: 2 drumsticks, broccoli
Snack: almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Dinner: pork chop, greens, cherries
Postrugby: whey,water,banana
Dinner2: porkchop, 1/2 sweet potato, greens
Back rehab and adjustment @ Palmer College
Rugby Practice 2hrs
(mostly ball handling and touch)
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1/2 avocado,1/2 sweet potato, steamed greens, handful of cherries, piece of fish
Lunch: 2 drumsticks, broccoli
Snack: almonds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds
Dinner: pork chop, greens, cherries
Postrugby: whey,water,banana
Dinner2: porkchop, 1/2 sweet potato, greens
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
another long day...
Work: 7am-6pm
750m row
30 Wallball
25 KB swing 1.5 pd
20 box jumps 20"
15 burpees
20 box jumps
25 Kbswings
30 Ball Slams
400m run
Time 12:38
Felt like an injured animal during this entire workout. Happy with my time considering how miserable I felt. Took in alot of extra food throughout the day in preparation for a good effort, in hindsight i should have run my engine leaner.
Diet: Went big today.
Breakfast 6am : 4 eggs, 1 perch filet ~5oz, half a sweet potato, half an avocado, handful of cherries, portion of steamed greens
Lunch1 10am : two drumsticks, portion of broccoli
Lunch2 1 pm : 1/4 darkmeat rotisserie chickn, blueberry n walnut salad with ginger dressing (soybean oil, FUCK!) this along with a ton of raisins in this salad brought an afternoon crash upon me.
Lunch3 5pm : 4oz venison jerky, 3oz combo of almonds,sunflower, and pumpkin seeds.
Post-wod 730pm : whey, water, almonds, banana
Dinner 845pm : Two perch filets, half a sweet potato, steamed greens
Should have skipped lunch 2 felt like shit after that point.
rest: 7 hours, but anxious sleep, not refreshing in the least.
750m row
30 Wallball
25 KB swing 1.5 pd
20 box jumps 20"
15 burpees
20 box jumps
25 Kbswings
30 Ball Slams
400m run
Time 12:38
Felt like an injured animal during this entire workout. Happy with my time considering how miserable I felt. Took in alot of extra food throughout the day in preparation for a good effort, in hindsight i should have run my engine leaner.
Diet: Went big today.
Breakfast 6am : 4 eggs, 1 perch filet ~5oz, half a sweet potato, half an avocado, handful of cherries, portion of steamed greens
Lunch1 10am : two drumsticks, portion of broccoli
Lunch2 1 pm : 1/4 darkmeat rotisserie chickn, blueberry n walnut salad with ginger dressing (soybean oil, FUCK!) this along with a ton of raisins in this salad brought an afternoon crash upon me.
Lunch3 5pm : 4oz venison jerky, 3oz combo of almonds,sunflower, and pumpkin seeds.
Post-wod 730pm : whey, water, almonds, banana
Dinner 845pm : Two perch filets, half a sweet potato, steamed greens
Should have skipped lunch 2 felt like shit after that point.
rest: 7 hours, but anxious sleep, not refreshing in the least.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Work : 8am - 730 pm
Tried to make it to rugby practice but couldnt get to the Daytona Beach exit till 8 oclock so I decided to retire for the night. Its days like this I feel it to be of utmost importance to be dialed into a good diet and do as much as you can to prepare for the next day.
Tried to make it to rugby practice but couldnt get to the Daytona Beach exit till 8 oclock so I decided to retire for the night. Its days like this I feel it to be of utmost importance to be dialed into a good diet and do as much as you can to prepare for the next day.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Therapy and Front Squats

had the day off work, too the opportunity to do some canvasing for the rugby club. My targets the local gym scene, ya know where people go to "work out" and no to "train". I ran the gambit from the truest bodybuilding gym (still left) in town, Total Nutrition, a place I trained for over a year and whose staff still recognizes me though it has been quite some time since i stepped foot in there. Then the big chain "Golds" was visited, wow its awe inspiring how much expensive equipment and tv screens are in that place, its a wonder how anyone even resembles fit in an environment that strives for comfort. Then the new kid on the scene was visited, Planet Fitness, whose low introductory rates and brilliant marketing of a lack of intensity atmosphere make it the ideal gym for people who are scared to know what their bodies are truly capable of. Anyway, the moral of the story is....I feel incredibly lucky to be training where I am, in an atmosphere that breeds intensity and work ethic.
Back adjustment and Stim pack treatment at Palmer
Workout : Front Squats
135 # front squats
Rings dips
Time 6:43
Front squats were on point, not one drop. Ring dips were another story, started off strong at least. More time needs to be spent on those rings, and with my back is recovery mode I have the available time on my schedule.
Diet: The usual paleo fare of eggs,chicken, venison and vegs, up until post-wod, skipped the shake and went to Grandmas for dinner: salad, chili, sugarfree jello pie?. Not exactly paleo but I didn't want to break my grandma's heart, next time ill bring my own grub. Fried of some perch that my dad caught on a fishing trip using coconut flour, good stuff.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Released the pressure valve last night. My jacket has all the evidence of what I was up to; the fabric holding onto the traces of alcohol and smoke. Few people would consider a night out of any tangible therapeutic value, but that's how I'm perceiving it. There is cathartic nature to it. Though tired, I feel my spirit refreshed.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Run and Rest
Workout: 1.4 km Mixed Terrain Run
Nice mixture of uphill, downhill, trail and sand dune.
Time: 16:00
Diet: Eggs, avocado, and OJ for breakfast. Whey and milk after the run. Chicken, bell peppers, tomato, onion and avocado wrapped in lettuce for lunch and dinner.
Nice mixture of uphill, downhill, trail and sand dune.
Time: 16:00
Diet: Eggs, avocado, and OJ for breakfast. Whey and milk after the run. Chicken, bell peppers, tomato, onion and avocado wrapped in lettuce for lunch and dinner.
Friday, January 22, 2010
10 -1 Squat & Press

Workout: 10 - 1 Ladder
Example 10 reps frnt sqt, 10 reps prs; 9 reps frnt sqt, 9 reps prs...
Front Squats @ 135 lb
Press @ 85 lb
Time: 13:40
Front squats were fast, efficient, and deep. Press was more of an issue; after completing the first set unbroken all others except the last 3 were segmented. Elbows were kept out in front in the initial drive, an improvement. Arching of the back felt excessive and maybe due to me need to stabilize my core better. A good workout overall, a good amount of weight being moved around continuously will little rest.
Cool down: 9 hours work, striping some backwoods highway in crescent city.
Diet: Good: usual breakfast plus a buffalo sausage link. usual post wod shake: whey, banana, almonds. lunch was chicken breast broccoli an apple and a handful of almonds. dinner was a third of a rack of ribs out in a pierson bbq shack, pretty good. At home I had a buffalo stuffed pepper, half a swt potato, half a fried plantain.
Back update: My back injury, which ive been battling on and off for quite some time seems to being easing up. My frnt sqts didn't seem to be affected; but I was still quite stiff and impaired when I woke up this morning.
A long run in the sand dunes is the plan tomorrow, sounds like fun.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Gut Bomb

Workout: 4 rounds
25 x Double Unders
20 x Situps
15 x Pullups
10 x Turkish Get Ups (TGUs)
5 x 20# Ball Slams
Time: 20:25
Diet and Work: Performed first thing in the morning 7:30am. Had a glass of whey and water and a handful of pomegranate arils before the WOD. Breakfast after was 3 eggs, a piece of Buffalo sausage, half an avocado, and a mango. Layed out a parking lot for about 4 hours, noticed my knee bothering me. Ate half a chicken, an orange and a handful of almonds for lunch. Painted the parking lot ~4 hours. Wanted to go back into the box for a strength wod; something like 10-1 Ladders of Front Squat/Handstand Pushups, but I'm feeling haggard from the inside out, I will be training again tomorrow morning and possibly in the pm if i feel up to it.
Rest: About 7 hours, minimum system requirement.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Work and Rest
Workout: Road layout and Paint - 11 Hours
Work forced another day off. Not too worried though; for me a rest day following heavy deadlifts always sounds good. Failed at my set of 5 for 315; felt I could have muscled it up but my legs drove up early and my back began to round so I just dropped it. My game needs to be focused on solid form for now; if I have to get sloppy at the Garage games to get 20 reps of 315 up, im more than willing to do it. I have started a new warmup ritual that I hope will improve my lower back strength and thus my deadlifts. It consists of 3 rounds of 10x Back extensions, 10x GHD situps, 10x Reverse Hypers and 5 Goodmornings @ 45#. My diet has been very clean; no processed foods whatsoever except whey protein and milk. I have also been eating some grassfed buffalo, very tasty. Now if I could just get 8 or more hours of sleep a night I'd really be happy.
Work forced another day off. Not too worried though; for me a rest day following heavy deadlifts always sounds good. Failed at my set of 5 for 315; felt I could have muscled it up but my legs drove up early and my back began to round so I just dropped it. My game needs to be focused on solid form for now; if I have to get sloppy at the Garage games to get 20 reps of 315 up, im more than willing to do it. I have started a new warmup ritual that I hope will improve my lower back strength and thus my deadlifts. It consists of 3 rounds of 10x Back extensions, 10x GHD situps, 10x Reverse Hypers and 5 Goodmornings @ 45#. My diet has been very clean; no processed foods whatsoever except whey protein and milk. I have also been eating some grassfed buffalo, very tasty. Now if I could just get 8 or more hours of sleep a night I'd really be happy.
Deadlifts and Rugby
Workout: 3 x 5 Deadlift
1 x 10 @ 135#
1 x 8 @ 225#
1 x 5 @ 275
1 x 3 @ 315 (failed)
1 x 5 @ 275
Then "Jones Crawl"
Deadlift @ 115 % bw (185) x 10
Box Jumps @ 20" x 25
3 rounds
Time: 2:28
Then 2 Hrs Rugby Practice
Diet: Usual Paleo fare, had some milk and whey protein right after practice; felt drained and thought I could use the extra cals and protein.
Rest: Good, 8 hours.
1 x 10 @ 135#
1 x 8 @ 225#
1 x 5 @ 275
1 x 3 @ 315 (failed)
1 x 5 @ 275
Then "Jones Crawl"
Deadlift @ 115 % bw (185) x 10
Box Jumps @ 20" x 25
3 rounds
Time: 2:28
Then 2 Hrs Rugby Practice
Diet: Usual Paleo fare, had some milk and whey protein right after practice; felt drained and thought I could use the extra cals and protein.
Rest: Good, 8 hours.
Monday, January 18, 2010
Monday AMRAP

Workout: AMRAP 15 min
10 kb swings 2 pd
100 mtr run
10 20# Wall ball
100 mtr run
Results : 7 rnds 10 kbs + 50 mtr run
8 rounds were within the realm of reason, shoulda pushed on a little harder; but had no clue where the clock was. Will aim for at least 8 in competition.
Diet: Usual breakfast, chicken n greens for lunch with olives. Beef roast with potatoes and carrots for dinner. Chicken thighs, broccoli and starfruit before bed.
Rest: got some last night finally; might not get it tonight.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Workout: Labor - 8 hours
Took another day off training. Boss called two of us in to get extra work done on a project that has been very demanding. Back felt tight most of the day. Wanted to get some speed strength work in but I will save that for tomorrow.
Diet: Overall good, I did cheat and eat a pint of ice cream tonight, it was glorious.
Rest: desperately need more sleep, hopefully will get it tonight.
Took another day off training. Boss called two of us in to get extra work done on a project that has been very demanding. Back felt tight most of the day. Wanted to get some speed strength work in but I will save that for tomorrow.
Diet: Overall good, I did cheat and eat a pint of ice cream tonight, it was glorious.
Rest: desperately need more sleep, hopefully will get it tonight.
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Handstand Work
Workout: Thursday's Mainsite WOD
3 Rounds
100ft Handstand walk
2 min Handstand Hold
15 Handstand Push ups
did this one for completion, took around 40 minutes for me.
Rest: not enough
Diet: solid
3 Rounds
100ft Handstand walk
2 min Handstand Hold
15 Handstand Push ups
did this one for completion, took around 40 minutes for me.
Rest: not enough
Diet: solid
Friday, Rest...
Workout: Low intensity labor
Start- 8 am
Finish- 930pm
Total time 13.5 hours
Diet- The usual breakfast, deer jerky and almonds for lunch, with pineapple. Unexpected intermittent fast(only about 5 hours), broken by consuming half a rotisserie chicken upon getting out of work. Also ate publix blueberry and walnut salad and some deli olives.
Start- 8 am
Finish- 930pm
Total time 13.5 hours
Diet- The usual breakfast, deer jerky and almonds for lunch, with pineapple. Unexpected intermittent fast(only about 5 hours), broken by consuming half a rotisserie chicken upon getting out of work. Also ate publix blueberry and walnut salad and some deli olives.
Thursday 1/14/10
Workout: "Failure" by cfjax
3 Rounds
2min max reps Air squats
30 sec rest
2 min max reps Pushups
30 sec rest
2 min max reps Situps
30 sec rest
2 min max reps Pullups
1 min rest
291-181-183-120= 775
Diet- The usual.
Rest- 8 hours or so, only had about 12 hours since last wod though.
3 Rounds
2min max reps Air squats
30 sec rest
2 min max reps Pushups
30 sec rest
2 min max reps Situps
30 sec rest
2 min max reps Pullups
1 min rest
291-181-183-120= 775
Diet- The usual.
Rest- 8 hours or so, only had about 12 hours since last wod though.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Three 5s
AMRAP 5 min
135# Push press x 5
Double Unders x 25
Result: 3 rounds & 21 DUs
2 min rest
AMRAP 5 min
135# Power Clean x 5
Double Under x 25
Result: 3 rounds & 3 DUs
2 min rest
AMRAP 5 min
115# Power Snatch x 5
Double Under x 25
Result: 2 rounds & 3 Snatches
Yeah my form on the o-lifts needs some work. Going to change up my early morning sessions next week in order to address this. DUs were steady but not fast.
Diet: Good, three eggs and half an avocado this morn. Chicken breast and greens for lunch. Venison jerky and pumpkin seed/almond/coconut chip trail mix in the afternoon. Grilled chicken salad from McDs in afternoon (mistake). Dinner was more deer, more chicken and more greens.
Rest: 8 hours but broken, not great.
AMRAP 5 min
135# Push press x 5
Double Unders x 25
Result: 3 rounds & 21 DUs
2 min rest
AMRAP 5 min
135# Power Clean x 5
Double Under x 25
Result: 3 rounds & 3 DUs
2 min rest
AMRAP 5 min
115# Power Snatch x 5
Double Under x 25
Result: 2 rounds & 3 Snatches
Yeah my form on the o-lifts needs some work. Going to change up my early morning sessions next week in order to address this. DUs were steady but not fast.
Diet: Good, three eggs and half an avocado this morn. Chicken breast and greens for lunch. Venison jerky and pumpkin seed/almond/coconut chip trail mix in the afternoon. Grilled chicken salad from McDs in afternoon (mistake). Dinner was more deer, more chicken and more greens.
Rest: 8 hours but broken, not great.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Rest Day
Recovery Bike ride - 20 mins
Tried the sardines, definitely not going to be part of my regular diet. Fed half the can to the cat.
Diet - Good.
Rest - Good.
Tried the sardines, definitely not going to be part of my regular diet. Fed half the can to the cat.
Diet - Good.
Rest - Good.
Monday, January 11, 2010
Heavy Deads and a 5k row
What a way to start the week!
Workout: Deadlifts
3 x 10 @ 185
3 x 5 @ 275
3 x 3 @ 305
3 x 1 @ 345
5k row : 18:31.9
50 Pullups for completion
- I emphasized working the butterfly technique and was able to focus in on
the hip opening at the bottom of the pull which seemed to help alot.
Diet: Pretty good. 3 eggs and half an avocado for breakfast with some strawberries. Lunch was Steak with onions and shrooms, with asparagus. Afternoon was sauteed shrimp with broccoli and some venison jerky I just finished. Dinner was more venison and I think I'll try some of those sardines, I chumped out on them last night.
Rest: Good, 9 hours or so.
Workout: Deadlifts
3 x 10 @ 185
3 x 5 @ 275
3 x 3 @ 305
3 x 1 @ 345
5k row : 18:31.9
50 Pullups for completion
- I emphasized working the butterfly technique and was able to focus in on
the hip opening at the bottom of the pull which seemed to help alot.
Diet: Pretty good. 3 eggs and half an avocado for breakfast with some strawberries. Lunch was Steak with onions and shrooms, with asparagus. Afternoon was sauteed shrimp with broccoli and some venison jerky I just finished. Dinner was more venison and I think I'll try some of those sardines, I chumped out on them last night.
Rest: Good, 9 hours or so.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday Squats
Workout: Back Squat 3 x 5 @ 255lb
4 rounds
9 ring dips
15 Burpees
21 Wall ball shots
Time: 10:13
Diet: Slackin a little. Had eggs and avocado for breakfast. Lunch was at my grandmas it was roast beef, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and some sort of sugar free pudding I was not excited about eating. Post wod, whey and water. Dinner is Italian sausage, kale greens, strawberries. late night im going to try out sardines, we will see how that goes.
4 rounds
9 ring dips
15 Burpees
21 Wall ball shots
Time: 10:13
Diet: Slackin a little. Had eggs and avocado for breakfast. Lunch was at my grandmas it was roast beef, mashed potatoes, broccoli, and some sort of sugar free pudding I was not excited about eating. Post wod, whey and water. Dinner is Italian sausage, kale greens, strawberries. late night im going to try out sardines, we will see how that goes.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Workout: Barbara
5 Rounds
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
2 min rest between rounds
Time: 20:50
Workout started off well, but pushups and situps really slowed me down. Feeling mentally fatigued coming into this one, but left feeling better.
Diet: Sub-par. Ate late last night, then i had a handful of pomegranite before this wod and mongolian bbq after. Didn't really over eat and limited it to meat and vegs so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Rest: Not good, only 6 hours and restless at that. Anxiety over backing out of the rugby game today brought bad dreams upon my sub-consciousness.
5 Rounds
20 Pullups
30 Pushups
40 Situps
50 Squats
2 min rest between rounds
Time: 20:50
Workout started off well, but pushups and situps really slowed me down. Feeling mentally fatigued coming into this one, but left feeling better.
Diet: Sub-par. Ate late last night, then i had a handful of pomegranite before this wod and mongolian bbq after. Didn't really over eat and limited it to meat and vegs so it wasn't as bad as it could have been.
Rest: Not good, only 6 hours and restless at that. Anxiety over backing out of the rugby game today brought bad dreams upon my sub-consciousness.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
DT and some Rugby
Workout: "DT"
5 rounds
Deadlifts x 12
Hang Power Cleans x 9
Jerks x 6
RX 155 (I decided to go 135)
Time: 14:28
Then 2 hrs Touch Rugby
I have been fearing this wod for a while now. Capable of hang cleaning 155 but struggle with it and with my back being in far less than optimum ready state I decided to scale down some. The work was hard but steady, I need to emphasize on the ability to perform multiple reps of hang cleans, too many drops too many single reps. Overall, happy with the work I put in.
Diet: Good: 3 eggs and half an avacado for breakfast along with two freshly squeezed oranges. Later two drumsticks oven baked, with a large portion of kale greens. Then a pork tenderloin along with an apple and some pomegranite (berries? seeds?). Afternoon had a sirloin steak and an apple. Post wod shake consisted of Whey and Casein (25g each) a banana, handful of almonds. After Rugby I had 2 glasses of whole milk and Im currently waiting on some sweet potatoes and pork to heat up in the oven. Had about 6 fish oil capsules throughout the day.
Rest: Good 8 hours or so.
5 rounds
Deadlifts x 12
Hang Power Cleans x 9
Jerks x 6
RX 155 (I decided to go 135)
Time: 14:28
Then 2 hrs Touch Rugby
I have been fearing this wod for a while now. Capable of hang cleaning 155 but struggle with it and with my back being in far less than optimum ready state I decided to scale down some. The work was hard but steady, I need to emphasize on the ability to perform multiple reps of hang cleans, too many drops too many single reps. Overall, happy with the work I put in.
Diet: Good: 3 eggs and half an avacado for breakfast along with two freshly squeezed oranges. Later two drumsticks oven baked, with a large portion of kale greens. Then a pork tenderloin along with an apple and some pomegranite (berries? seeds?). Afternoon had a sirloin steak and an apple. Post wod shake consisted of Whey and Casein (25g each) a banana, handful of almonds. After Rugby I had 2 glasses of whole milk and Im currently waiting on some sweet potatoes and pork to heat up in the oven. Had about 6 fish oil capsules throughout the day.
Rest: Good 8 hours or so.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Snatch Practice and OHS AMRAP
Workout: Snatch practice
Worked up to 125 lbs, had 135 high enough but went retard on getting under it.
AMRAP 12 min
5 x 135 lbs Overhead squat
7 x 20" box jumps
9 x Toes to Bar
5 rounds
Overhead squats felt and looked good, need to work on getting more reps in each set though, too many broken sets. I felt capable of 7 rounds or so if not wasting time and effort getting that bar overhead. Overall good though, relatively heavy OHS with success.
Diet: solid, lovin that Kodiak salmon and food steamer.
Rest: Good, 9 hours or so. Hesitant getting out of bed this morning. The combination of cold weather, sore back, and no work is a black hole of motivation.
Worked up to 125 lbs, had 135 high enough but went retard on getting under it.
AMRAP 12 min
5 x 135 lbs Overhead squat
7 x 20" box jumps
9 x Toes to Bar
5 rounds
Overhead squats felt and looked good, need to work on getting more reps in each set though, too many broken sets. I felt capable of 7 rounds or so if not wasting time and effort getting that bar overhead. Overall good though, relatively heavy OHS with success.
Diet: solid, lovin that Kodiak salmon and food steamer.
Rest: Good, 9 hours or so. Hesitant getting out of bed this morning. The combination of cold weather, sore back, and no work is a black hole of motivation.
Deads + Annie

Forgot to post last night...
AM Workout:
Deadlifts 3x5 @ 305
felt good, went up relatively easily, back is sore today though.
PM Workout:
50-40-30-20-10 Double Unders/abmat situps
Time: 8:16 pr
Getting better at double unders.
Diet: Solid, had some alaska salmon and other delicous meats and vegs.
Rest: Good. 8 hours or so.
Monday, January 4, 2010
First Monday of the New Year
Workout: 10 - 1 Ladder
Dumbell Swings (55 lb)
L- Pullups
Time : 10:?? i forgot the change
Felt good, L-pullups are a struggle for me. My legs/back were way too sore today to go heavy, but tomorrow morning is going to be heavy deads, and then Wednesday heavy back squats. Rugby game this saturday. . .
Diet: Good. Breakfast was usual: 3 eggs, half an avocado, almonds, coconut chips. Lunch: 2 pc baked chicken, kale greens. Afternoon: 3 eggs, apple, some boiled peanuts. Post wod shake, dinner was steak, onions, peppers and bamboo shoots. Got the food steamer rocking, time to cut out the microwave; it could be robbing me of valuable nutrients.
Dumbell Swings (55 lb)
L- Pullups
Time : 10:?? i forgot the change
Felt good, L-pullups are a struggle for me. My legs/back were way too sore today to go heavy, but tomorrow morning is going to be heavy deads, and then Wednesday heavy back squats. Rugby game this saturday. . .
Diet: Good. Breakfast was usual: 3 eggs, half an avocado, almonds, coconut chips. Lunch: 2 pc baked chicken, kale greens. Afternoon: 3 eggs, apple, some boiled peanuts. Post wod shake, dinner was steak, onions, peppers and bamboo shoots. Got the food steamer rocking, time to cut out the microwave; it could be robbing me of valuable nutrients.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
The Upcoming Year
This year holds many opportunities for me. For one, I will be hearing back from the law schools I applied to and that will determine where I end up in the fall. I also will be participating in the Crossfit Games Sectional qualifier, while I have doubts about my ability to move into the next round, it will provide great motivation for my training and the valuable experience of competing under pressure. The rugby season is also something I'm looking forward to becoming an important part of my life again, I played in the last game of 2009 and am looking forward to the intensity that the game brings, I feel my intensity in training has been waning in the past month.
Tomorrow will be the start of my fourth week on my Strength Bias that I have been programming myself. This has been something I have been eagerly waiting for the opportunity to do. Since college I have been interested in programming workouts and while I am a huge fan of Crossfit in general and RH's programming in the Daytona box in particular, there are personal weaknesses that I feel I haven't been able to address properly with my usual participation in the box. The efficacy of my bias program will have to wait until at least 6 weeks to be assessed, but so far I have been able to make my planned progressions in my back squat and deadlift, which are the main priorities of this experiment.
Tomorrow will be the start of my fourth week on my Strength Bias that I have been programming myself. This has been something I have been eagerly waiting for the opportunity to do. Since college I have been interested in programming workouts and while I am a huge fan of Crossfit in general and RH's programming in the Daytona box in particular, there are personal weaknesses that I feel I haven't been able to address properly with my usual participation in the box. The efficacy of my bias program will have to wait until at least 6 weeks to be assessed, but so far I have been able to make my planned progressions in my back squat and deadlift, which are the main priorities of this experiment.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Frnt Sqts + Presses
Front Squats @ 185 : 5, 4, 4
Press @ 100: 5, 5, 5
Thrusters (115#)/ Rope Climbs (15')
15/3, 12/2, 9/1 : 7:38
Sleep: Slept almost 12 hours last night, needed it.
Diet: Diet has been solid since New year's. 4 eggs and half an avocado and some spinach for breakfast. Whey protein shake with banana for post-wod. And turkey leg w/ broccoli and carrots for dinner.
Disappointed in only hitting 4 reps for my front squats, may change up the rep scheme next week.
Front Squats @ 185 : 5, 4, 4
Press @ 100: 5, 5, 5
Thrusters (115#)/ Rope Climbs (15')
15/3, 12/2, 9/1 : 7:38
Sleep: Slept almost 12 hours last night, needed it.
Diet: Diet has been solid since New year's. 4 eggs and half an avocado and some spinach for breakfast. Whey protein shake with banana for post-wod. And turkey leg w/ broccoli and carrots for dinner.
Disappointed in only hitting 4 reps for my front squats, may change up the rep scheme next week.
Friday, January 1, 2010
New Year's Day
Had a blast last night. Passed out at Brannons, threw up when I woke and felt a little better after that. Ate some pizza. Resting and preparing for dinner at my grandmother's; turkey, greens, cranberries. Should be good. Going to chill and watch the football game tonight. Tomorrow will be Front Squats and Presses, and some sort of thruster metcon. Head feels boggled right now, definately drank too much. I was sticking to Guiness but a couple of 75cent PBRs managed to find their way into my hands before the end of the night.
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