Workout: 4 rounds
25 x Double Unders
20 x Situps
15 x Pullups
10 x Turkish Get Ups (TGUs)
5 x 20# Ball Slams
Time: 20:25
Diet and Work: Performed first thing in the morning 7:30am. Had a glass of whey and water and a handful of pomegranate arils before the WOD. Breakfast after was 3 eggs, a piece of Buffalo sausage, half an avocado, and a mango. Layed out a parking lot for about 4 hours, noticed my knee bothering me. Ate half a chicken, an orange and a handful of almonds for lunch. Painted the parking lot ~4 hours. Wanted to go back into the box for a strength wod; something like 10-1 Ladders of Front Squat/Handstand Pushups, but I'm feeling haggard from the inside out, I will be training again tomorrow morning and possibly in the pm if i feel up to it.
Rest: About 7 hours, minimum system requirement.
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